In a groundbreaking moment at the prestigious New York Fashion Week on September 10th, history was made as a Bharathanatyam Group dance graced the runway. The mesmerizing performance, led by the accomplished Abhinaya Sree Indrani Davaluri and featuring her talented students SriNidhi, Isha, Lasya, and Kushi, left the audience in awe and earned a well-deserved standing ovation.

Indrani Davaluri, a distinguished artist holding Double Masters degrees and the title of Mrs. South Asia World Elite, graciously shared her experience of this remarkable occasion. “I was initially nervous about performing during a runway show,” she admitted, “but the boundless energy and appreciation from the audience, as well as the love shown by my students, made it an unforgettable experience.”

Recently, Indrani was featured in an interview on W9USA, a national U.S. channel, during South Asian Heritage Month. The interview highlighted her ongoing contributions to the community through her art and her dedication to organizing numerous not-for-profit events.

Adding to her impressive list of accomplishments, Indrani is also taking on the roles of producer and actor in the upcoming movie “Andhela Ravamidhi.” The film portrays the struggles of a dancer in the United States and is set to premiere on OTT platforms next summer, promising to be a must-watch for art enthusiasts and cinephiles alike.



By Live24

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